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Image courtesy of Maialisa at Pixabay.com |
Mistreatment of women, people of color, immigrants, or people with disabilities is NEVER okay. This should not be dismissed as 'speaking your mind' or 'locker room talk'. Aggressive mannerisms, foul language, and violent rhetoric should not be excused. A history of failed business endeavors should not be overlooked.
If you prefer a rich celebrity in his third marriage over a lifelong partner who chose to 'stand by her man' when that man's dishonorable indiscretion came to public light then by all means vote for Trump. If you prefer vague uninformed discussion and reactionary behavior over diplomacy and experience when it comes to foreign relations, then please give Trump your support.
If PRA email violations with no legal consequence prove to you that a candidate is dishonest and/or above the law (although these email violations have been ongoing for three administrations including GW Bush) and that dishonesty is more disgraceful to you than sexual assault and four draft deferments then certainly Trump is your man.
Leaders make mistakes. Leaders make mistakes that sometimes cost lives. You can blame Hillary for Benghazi, just as you can singularly blame Jefferson Davis for the Confederacy losing the Civil War if you so choose to.
The arguments I hear against Hillary most often are in regards to trustworthiness, guns, and abortion...
Hillary does not want to 'take your guns away'. Perpetrators carrying out mass shootings do not qualify as "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State". Regulating automatic weaponry and encouraging non-lethal police tactics is NOT a 2nd Amendment violation. Requiring licenses and background checks also does NOT violate the 2nd Amendment because these things do not prevent gun ownership. Regulating the Internet sale of parts and ammunition likewise do not prevent gun ownership and therefore do NOT violate the 2nd Amendment.
I can't believe how infuriating it is to actually feel the need to spell this out to people!
Should the government decide whether or not to terminate your life support? No? Then why should the government decide whether or not you are allowed to terminate your pregnancy? Leaving the Supreme Court's decision in tact does not remove your ability to personally be Pro-Life. You can be anti-abortion and still live in a country that allows individuals to decide for themselves. America is not a theocracy, meaning the government cannot regulate based on religious views. (That's what the First Amendment says.)
If you believe that abortion is murder, then teach that to your children. Preach that in your church. Encourage that in your community. Choose a doctor with views that align with your own. Teach your boys and girls about consent, body image, gender equality, responsibility, and consequence. The freedom to chose whether or not a girl carries her rapist's child to term does not affect your relationship with your God. Period. You can witness to her. You can pray for her. You can offer to adopt the child and pay for its rearing for 18 years. The ramifications of any abortion that is not your own are simply none of your business.
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Iron Wire Fence Image courtesy of worradmu at FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
So there you have it - my view on the election. Trump is far more dangerous than Hillary could possibly ever be. Trump is a negative example of a leader and a man. Trump lacks dignity. I do not want him in the Oval Office making or preventing decisions for my family and my country. That is why I signed the petition and that is why I wrote this post.
#StopHateDumpTrump #NeverTrump #Election2016
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